Getting Started



Project Configuration

Testing in Your Sandbox

Samples & Examples

Core Concepts & Glossary

Package Types

Spaces & Space Templates

Custom Avatars

Custom Avatar Animations

Avatar Attachments

Custom Prefab Objects

Embedded Packages

Drivable Vehicles

Scene Setup

Testing In Unity vs Sandbox

Controlling the Camera

Custom Collision, Layers, and Tags

Audio Mixers and Groups

Key Differences from Standard Unity3D development


Quests and Rewards

Economy Overview



Consumable Items

Rewarding Items

World Currency

Rewarding Items

Once you have created and published an item, you can reward it to other users which adds the item to their backpack!

Using Visual Scripting

Using Visual Scripting, you have two nodes you can use:

All you need to do is pass the Item ID (which you can copy from Spatial Studio) into the Add Backpack Item node


<aside> ⚠️ Note that for these nodes to work, the execution trigger node needs to be a coroutine, or else you will get an error



When the item is added, the user is notified with a toast message.

Using Quest Rewards

To award an item to a user for completing a quest, simply add a reward to the Spatial Quest component, select reward type Item and enter the ItemID for the item you want to reward.


Rewarding World Currency

See World Currency for details about world currency if this is a new concept.

World currencies are just items of type “Currency”. They can be rewarded using all the usual item nodes mentioned above, but for convenience, we have also provided the following nodes:

Get Item Info

These scripting nodes can be used to query the backpack

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Creating and Managing Items

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World Currency