Getting Started



Project Configuration

Testing in Your Sandbox

Samples & Examples

Core Concepts & Glossary

Package Types

Spaces & Space Templates

Custom Avatars

Custom Avatar Animations

Avatar Attachments

Custom Prefab Objects

Embedded Packages

Drivable Vehicles

Scene Setup

Testing In Unity vs Sandbox

How Spatial Works

Creating for Spatial is less like creating regular games where you start from scratch and more like creating a “mod” for a game. When you load a Space or Package in Spatial you are loading it on top of Spatial.

Spatial is a multiplayer 3rd-Person sandbox. We provide a player avatar, camera controls, netcode, and many other features. You can disable them or ignore them, but its critical that you create your game with the core Spatial features in mind and test directly on the platform frequently.

You should NOT expect your game to function without taking steps to integrate it into the platform.

Inside the Unity Editor most Spatial Features are not available. Testing your package in editor will produce greatly different results from testing it in the Sandbox.

Chart showing the Spatial runtime stack. When testing in editor the  does not exist resulting in missing features and unexpected results.

Chart showing the Spatial runtime stack. When testing in editor the Spatial Runtime does not exist resulting in missing features and unexpected results.

Unity Editor Limitations


Entering play mode with the toolkit inside the Unity Editor will function. We have taken steps to ensure the SpatialBridge is accessible, however it has very limited implementations and many system are entirely absent. Testing in sandbox should always be your source of truth during development.

The following are a few of the core Spatial features that are missing in-editor

How To Test Using Sandbox

To test your space properly you will need to create a package and upload it to the Spatial Sandbox. For more details see the pages linked below.